HTML5 Client Event Result Codes
Success = 0, AuthError = 1, ResourceNotFound = 2, ResourceMoved = 3, BadRequest = 4, ConnectionError = 5, UnknownError = 6, ResultSizeError = 7, SuccessRecovered = 8, ConnectionErrorRecoverable = 9, UserPausedError= 10
The request was successfully received and processed by the server.
The session id sent in the request was incorrect. This can happen if the client connects without initializing with the correct keys.
The resource for which the request was intended is not known to the server. For example a bad room id is given to a joinRoom request.
The resource for which the request was intended to has moved to a state where it can’t process the request. For example, if a client sends a chat or updatePeers message and the connected user is not present in any room.
The parameters passed to the request are invalid. For example if null or empty string is passed in the roomId parameter of a joinRoom request.
The underlying TCP connection with AppWarp cloud service got broken. The client will need to reconnect to the service and retry the operation.
There is an unexpected error. Retrying the request is recommended if this happens.
The size of a argument passed in a method is more than maximum limit. For example using properties with length more than 2048 in createRoom method returns this error
This occurs only when Connection Resiliency is used and the connection gets recovered within the specified time.If not, you will get a ConnectionError.
The connection with the AppWarp server got broken but since recovery allowance was set, the connection can be recovered by calling recoverConnection() method
This occurs when trying to connect to a user who has been paused for that particular time.